Imaging Conference JAPAN 2023
2023年6月28日(水)、29日(木)、30日(金) ハイブリッド開催(千葉大学&Zoom)


Enriched Synergic Society Powered by Imaging

講演申込要領 Submission guidelines


We are looking for presentations of creative research and technological developments that contribute to the imaging field. Please choose either oral presentation or interactive presentation (poster presentation). When organizing the program, we may adjust the lecture format in consideration of the expected effect of the presentation.



Presentation qualification

The presenter must be a full member or a student member (excluding invited speakers and overseas presenters). However, you can become a presenter by becoming a member when applying for a presentation.



・口頭発表:一般講演:20 分(発表15分,質疑5分)


・インタラクティブ:3 分間のショートプレゼンテーション(質疑なし),ポスター展示120分

Presentation format

Oral presentation or interactive (poster presentation)

・Oral presentation: General presentation: 20 minutes (Presentation 15 minutes, Q&A 5 minutes)

・Invited lecture: 30 minutes (Presentation 25 minutes, Q&A 5 minutes)

After the session, the author’s interview will be held (about 20 minutes)

・Interactive: 3-minute short presentation (without questions), 120-minute poster exhibition




講演申し込み締切: 2023年3月3日(金)→2023年3月17日(金)

Apply for a lecture

Submission for presentations are made through the ICJ Submission System. ICJ Submission System

Account registration is required to use this posting system. Please register by clicking the account registration at the bottom of the ICJ submission system page.

Submission deadline: Friday, March 3, 2023→Friday, March 17, 2023


◆ 講演題目(和文&英文)
◆ 発表希望分野 (募集は12分野です)
◆ 希望発表形式(口頭、ポスター)
◆ 講演の概要(300字以内)(和文または英文)
◆ 講演者氏名(和文&英文),会員番号
◆ 年齢 (2023年12月31日で40歳未満の方は、2023年度研究奨励賞の対象となります。)
◆ 所属(和文&英文)
◆ 連絡先:住所,電話番号,e-mail
◆ 共著者氏名および所属(和文&英文)

【Abstract Submission】

・ Paper title
・ Preferred program topic
・ Preference for oral or poster presentation
・ Abstract of approximately 100 words
・ Speaker name(s),age*1,ISJ member No.
・ Speaker affiliation(s),address, Phone number and e-mail
・ Co-author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s)
*1. As of Dec. 31, 2023, ISJ member under 40 is a candidate for the ISJ incentive award 2023




Paper Submission

For details on how to submit a paper, please refer to the webpage for “Guide for Paper Preparation”. To submit a paper, please log in to the member page and submit. Paper can be submitted after the application deadline.
Papers will be open to the public from June 21, 2023 (Wednesday), one week before the conference.

Full papers Deadline : Apl 10, 2023.



E-mail address: event_registration@isj-imaging.org

日本画像学会事務局  :〒164-8678 東京都中野区本町2-9-5 東京工芸大学内
TEL (03) 3373-9576 FAX (03) 3372-4414
The Imaging Society of Japan: c/o Tokyo Polytechnic University, 2-9-5, Honcho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 164-8678 Japan
Tel: +81-3-3373-9576 Fax: +81-3-3372-4414