新着情報 Latest News/Information
講演者アカウント削除 Speaker account deletion
The speaker’s account has been deleted for security reasons. All registered personal information has been deleted. You may receive an email informing you that your account has been deleted.
各受賞発表 Award announcement
6月12日に行われたポスターセッションで、以下のテーマが受賞されました。At the poster session held on June 12, the following themes were awarded.
- 日本画像学会ベストポスター賞 Best Poster Award
IN-05:液晶性の流動性を利用した有機半導体薄膜内の不純物分布制御 中野 博貴, 高丸 俊, 半那 純一, 飯野 裕明 (東京工業大学)
IN-05:Control of Impurity Distribution in Organic Semiconductor Thin Films Using Fluidity of Liquid Crystallinity
Hiroki NAKANO, Shun TAKAMARU, Jun-ichi HANNA, Hiroaki IINO (Tokyo Institute of Technology) - 日本画像学会ベストポスタープレゼンテーション賞 Best Poster Presentation Award
IN-08:インクジェットインクの乾燥過程におけるレオ・インピーダンス挙動 綿谷 知美, 山縣 義文, 宮本 圭介 (株式会社アントンパール・ジャパン)
IN-08:Rheo-Impedance Behaviour of Inkjet Inks During the Drying Process Tomomi WATAYA, Yoshifumi YAMAGATA, Keisuke MIYAMOTO (Anton Paar Japan K.K.)
ICJ2024 終了 ICJ2024 finished
ICJ2024 has ended. Thank you very much for your participation.
大会入口ページを公開 Conference entrance page opend
The ICJ2024 Conference entrance page has been opened. Please access the Zoom address and proceedings from this page. Please note that a password is required to access the Zoom address and proceedings. The password will be sent to you by email. ICJ2024 Conference entrance page
The early bird registration deadline will be extended until next week (May 24th). Registration page
最新講演プログラム公開 Latest program released
展示会募集終了 Exhibition recruitment has ended
Exhibition recruitment has ended. Thank you for your application.
講演プログラム公開 Program released
ICJ2024 program (tentative) has been released. ICJ2024 program (tentative) page
日程情報 Schedule Information
講演募集開始 : 2023年 12月4日(月) Call for paper started : December 4, 2023 (Monday)
講演募集締切 : 2024年
3月1日(金)→ 3月15日(金) Deadline for paper submission:March 1,2024(Friday) → March 15(Friday)予稿原稿受付開始: 2024年 3月1日(金) Preliminary paper acceptance start: March 1, 2024(Friday)
予稿原稿締切 : 2024年 4月26日(金) Preliminary paper deadline: April 26, 2024 (Friday)