


Based on the “Vision 55” philosophy formulated in 2012, ISJ’s activity is managed with an eye on the direction in which imaging technology should proceed.  In 2018, during the revision work as “Vision 2030”, we embodied the image of future development of the society as “Action before 2020”.


1)Expansion of range of each printing technology to the new market such as production printing or printing for fabrication and to its design method.

2)Strengthening the 3D printing area

3)Strengthening the field of visual research

4)Strengthening the image processing field


ISJ also aims to embark on new fields by leveraging the accumulated technology of the society and the high awareness of activities of our members.

Expansion of society related technology area


The Society Slogan

Pursuit of Optimal Imaging Ambience

・Living environment with imaging at all time   

・Imaging technology for helping a productive life    

・Comfortable image handling anytime/anywhere


ISJ’s Long-term Vision

ISJ assumes opportunity for incubating exploratory researches based on image or imaging technology.  ISJ makes them grow to proposals for a future living environment.


Missions based on the Vision

Mission to the members
ISJ meets the needs of members’ intellectual desire to provide venues to expand their fields of knowledge through cross-field communications.

Mission to society
Image as a social infrastructure exists around us in the living environment at any time, for example: Image is supplied to us for enriching human life in the form of movie, television, display of a cell phone, PC, medical device, advertising media, packaging, signage and book.  ISJ will lead a comfortable environment for image handling anytime and anywhere through an improvement of the imaging technology.


For more information, please refer to:


N. Nakayama and M. Omodani, ISJ Vision 2030 – Action Before 2020 -, Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan, (58), pp.186-199 (2019)[in Japanese]



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