Technical Committee on Imaging Terminology

Overview of the subcommittee

The standardization of academic terminology is under the initiative of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, as it is extremely important for academic progress and its correct dissemination to organize and unify difficult and diverse academic terminology and make it simple and clear. Standardization is progressing with the cooperation of academic societies. The Imaging Society of Japan has also organized an committee on imaging terminology and is working to standardize specialized terminology.

Published in 2005

Subcommittee activity policy

We will continue to standardize technical terminology for the following categories with the cooperation of each technical subcommittee.

 ・Electrophotography (System)
 ・Electrophotography (Material)
 ・Image processing/communication
 ・Termal printing/Novel printing
 ・Image evaluation
 ・Optical basics
 ・Photo, print, input


Subcommittee activity report

 ・2023 activity report

 ・2022 activity report

 ・2021 activity report

 ・2020 activity report


We are currently working on standardizing long sounds for the katakana terms listed in the 2013 web version of the Image Technology Glossary. We have decided to unify the rules to “add a long sound” as a change to the form in accordance with the Agency for Cultural Affairs notification and Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS), and are currently working towards an update during 2021.
The following is the “Revision Notice”.



Regarding the treatment of long sounds in image technology terminology (revised)

Regarding the long sound “-” in technical terms, we have received inquiries and opinions regarding whether or not the long sound should be added, such as in “プリンター” and “プリンタ”. With reference to “Cabinet Notification No. 2 of 2010” issued by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Japanese Industrial Standard “JISZ8301 (2019)”, the Committee on Imaging Terminology has decided to handle the long sound “-” in technical terms as follows.
The imaging technology glossary will be revised in accordance with the rules established this time by the end of 2021.


・Contents of the revision
Regarding the imaging technology terms compiled by the Imaging Society of Japan, we will unify them to the rule of “adding a long sound”. However, if the long sound is not customarily added, the long sound may be omitted.


・Basis for revision
This revision will be implemented in accordance with the “Cabinet Notification No. 2 of 2010 – Standards for Japanese Language Markings” disclosed by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the “Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS)” established by the Japan Industrial Standards Committee.
①“Cabinet Notification No. 2 of 2010”※1
As a general rule, words such as -er, -or, -ar, etc. at the end of English words are written as a long sound in the “ア” sequence and are written using the long sound sign “-“. However, the “-” can be omitted depending on usage.
②“Japanese Industrial Standard “JISZ8301(2019)”※2
The notation of foreign words is mainly based on the “Notation of Foreign Words (Cabinet Notification No. 2, June 28, 1991).”
(Supplement: Before the 2019 revision, the rule was that “terms with two sounds should be marked with a long note, and terms with three or more sounds should be omitted,” but this has changed with the 2019 revision.)


As a result, the main standards now have a policy of adding long sounds, which is why this revision was made.
For long sounds that do not fall under the above categories, please refer to the “Guidelines for Writing Foreign Words (Katakana)” created by the Technical Communicators Association.


※1 “Cabinet Notification No. 2 of 2010”>”Notation of foreign words”>“Points to note 2 (detailed matters)”>”III Matters related to plectrums, consonants, long sounds, etc.”>Note 3
※2 “Japanese Industrial Standard JISZ8301(2019)”>”Appendix H (How to write sentences, tasks, terms, descriptive symbols and numbers)”>”H.6 Notation of foreign words”


In front of Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. Minato Mirai Office 2019.11.2


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