Technical Committee on Toner Techonology


Overview of Committee of Toner Technology
(3rd Subcommittee)

The current Technical Committe on Toner Technology took over from the former 3rd Subcommittee, which had been active since the society’s founding with the aim of standardizing electrophotography. In 1995, the 3rd subcommittee was established for the purpose of “standardizing development-related technologies” and “planning and holding technical Seminar”. The name was changed in 2006 to the current name.
In addition, since 1998, we have narrowed down our target technologies to “toner-related technologies,” and within this, we have been conducting activities with the main mission of “standardizing toner charge amount measurement.”


2023 activity status report

2022 activity status report

2021 activity status report

2020 activity status report


Subcommittee activity policy

Since the mission of the Committee on Toner Technology is to “standardize toner-related technology,” the basic policies of its activities are as follows.


1. Standardization of measurements regarding electrophotographic properties of developers
2. Planning and holding technical seminar that will lead to deeper exploration of toner-related technology and industry-academia collaboration
3. Reporting in technical seminars and journals on the knowledge gained through the activities of the Committee on Toner Technology


Recent activities

1. Standardization of measured values ​​of toner charge amount

Four types of standard carriers have been selected and distributed so that the measured values ​​of various toner charge amount measuring devices can be treated as common scale values ​​on the triboelectric series.
In addition, in order to confirm the reliability of the charge amount value of the standard carrier, verification measurements of the charge amount value of the standard carrier are periodically performed using a plurality of various measuring devices.

2. Planning and holding of toner technical seminar.

Since 2003, we have set a theme of toner-related technology every year and have planned and held a toner technical seminar that gathers lectures on that theme.

[Recent technical seminar themes and number of lectures]
・(2022.11.25) “Latest trends in safe handling, regulations, and physical property measurement of toner and powder materials”: 4 lectures
・(2021.11.19) “Market changes due to telework and trends in toner technology development using AI”: 3 lectures
・ (2019/11/ 8) “Macro to micro observation, measurement, and analysis techniques for toner and powder characteristics”: 7 lectures
・(2018/10/19) “Development of toner technology and the latest technology”: 8 lectures
・ (2017/10/27) “Toward further challenges! Further pursuit of toner properties!”: 6 lectures
・(2016/10/28) “Understanding the basics of toner technology and imaging material technology”: 7 lectures


3. Academic journal report

The following report has been made regarding the Committee on Toner Technology and the standardization of toner charge amount measurement.

・”Evaluation of Absolute Value of Toner Triboelectric Charging Ability and Method of Reliability Assurance of the Value”,Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan,Vol.57(3),pp.291-301(2018)
・”Common Coordinate of Toner Triboelectric Series by Standardized Carriers”,Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan,Vol.57(3),pp.276-290(2018)
・”Normalization of Toner Electrification Quantity with Each Toner-charge Measurement”, Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan,Vol.57(2),pp.160-175(2018)
・”Changes in the Committee on Toner Technology (formerly the 3rd Subcommittee)”,Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan,Vol.57(1),pp.60-61 (2018).
・”Technical Committee – Committee on Toner Technology”,Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan,Vol.48(5),pp.446-448 (2009).
・”Toner charge amount measurement method (blow-off method)”,NIHON GAZO GAKKAISHI (Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan),Vol.37(Supplement),pp.461-470 (1998) .



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