ISJ President 2024.8

 Masahiko FUJII
 [Inaugural address of the ISJ President]

 (from Journal of imaging Society of Japan, Vol.63, No.4. 2024)


The annual conference ICJ2024 held from June 12th to 14th in a hybrid format at the Suzukakedai campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology and online recorded 62 papers and 294 participants, a significant increase from last year, almost the level before the spread of the new coronavirus infection. Approximately 80% of the participants visited the venue, making the event worthy of the conference's slogan, "Come, Watch, and Discuss about the Future of Imaging Technology". Hoping the "connections" created among many participants leading to further development under the slogan, I would like to talk about the relationship between "connections" and "innovation" in my speech as president.

There are various opinions regarding the definition of innovation. Its origin is the concept of "neuen Kombinationen", which economist Schumpeter proposed in 1911 in "The Theory of Economic Development". In addition, in the paper "Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms" written in 2007, Henderson et al., they showed a portfolio in which the horizontal axis represents maintaining/converting the core concept, and the vertical axis represents maintaining/changing the relationship (architecture) between the core concept and the configuration outline, and they identify four starting points that lead to innovation.

As you explore new architectures to find out how existing or new technologies and approaches connect to your core concepts, and to confirm their direction and validity, you need to go outside your organization. Connect with researchers, have a transactive memory of who is familiar with what specialties, and what kind of knowledge and experience they have (I think of it as creating a table of contents for your own personal encyclopedia). Shouldn't we start by discussing it with the appropriate people written in the memory? I believe that academic societies are the best place to do this.

Academic societies are not just a place to present and discuss research results. Of course, rather than ignoring this, gaining further connections through presentations and discussions may lead to innovation. I hope that you will come to the conference with the understanding that making connections outside your organization based on your own volition has the potential to contribute not only to your own growth, but also to the development of the organization you belong to.

Based on the above-mentioned ideas and taking into account the current situation of the Imaging Society of Japan, the President's policies regarding the activities and management of the society in 2024 are as follows.

1. Expanding the areas where ISJ's scope technology can be utilized (applications, supply chain)

2. Expanding the role of the Society: serving as an opportunity for the growth of engineers and researchers

3. Increasing the participants from a wide range of ages and genders in the organizational activities of the Society

4. Improving the existence value and recognition of the Society

I would like to continue working with everyone to develop the Imaging Society of Japan and to implement the value created by imaging technology in society. Thank you very much for your support.